Euryops chrysanthemoides - Golden daisy bush.

The Euryops chrysanthemoides - Golden daisy bush is a resistant shrub of vivid yellow flowers.
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Euryops  or Golden Daisy bush is an evergreen shrub on the asteraceaes family, with very branchy and dense foliage.
Euryops blooms almost all the year although in very warm areas it will stop during the summer.
Hardy shrub which can tolerate a certain grade of salt in the water, dry and por soils and wind, but obviously the plant will thrive and grow much nicer if we provide specific cares, such as a sunny location, with a good drainage system.
Add fertiliser during spring and the fall to have a bushier plant,  and more and long lasting flowers. Also pinch off the wilted flowers to stimulate new ones.
Regarding pruning better trim the plant during summer when it has less flowers or even nonexistent. May Golden Daisy be an old plant prune it strongly, if not give sligh cutting to eliminate leaves and dry stems or wilted flowers.
The most well known Euryops are:
Euryops Pectinatus: grey foliage bush, which can reach up o 1.50mtrs high, although normally we keep it much lower.
Euryops Chrysanthemoides: very similar to E. Pectinatus, but green foliage.


Consulted sources in addition to our experience with this plant:

Jardín Mediterráneo de Hugo Latymer


Data sheet

Euryops chrysanthemoides - Golden daisy bush
South Africa
Up to 1.5 meters.
Euryops chrysanthemoides. Grey foliage, Euryops pectinatus. Green foliage.
From autumn to spring.
To form clumps or groups in bloom.
Sales format
Pot 13 cm of diameter
It lasts up to -8ºC and withstands long periods of drought.
Being the product a living plant and depending on the season, it plant could be received not exactly the same as in the photography, without impacting on quality of the same.