Camellia care guide: everything you need to know about growing this plant

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Author: Adrián Medina Alarcón

Camellias are flowers of spectacular beauty.

Even the famous writer Alexandre Dumas was captivated by them and dedicated the title of one of his novels to them.

So, it's natural that you would also want to cultivate them at home.

But do you know what care camellias need?

If the answer is "no," don't worry, because in this post we'll give you all the keys to taking care of these wonderful flowers.

Let's get started!

Key Points for Camellia Care + 2 Extra Tips

1. When do we plant it?

The timing of planting is crucial for the success of camellia cultivation.

If you live in a cold area, it's ideal to plant them in early spring, so they have time to develop properly.

On the other hand, if you live in a warm area, you can plant them in the fall, before the cold of winter arrives.

2. Where do we place it?

Choose a spot with partial shade and filtered light, avoiding direct sun exposure. Camellia foliage is delicate and can be damaged by intense sunlight.

That's why it's common to plant them under other trees, facing north.

This way, they'll also be protected from the wind, another key factor to avoid damage to their leaves and flowers.

3. What temperature does the camellia need?

Camellias thrive in cool and temperate climates.

The optimal temperature range is between 7°C and 16°C (45°F and 61°F).

Make sure camellias are protected from frost, as it can damage buds and developing flowers. You can cover the soil with pine bark, which acts as a natural insulator.

4. What kind of soil is best?

The soil you choose for your camellias plays a vital role in their health and development.

Opt for a mix that is acidic and well-draining. It's essential to maintain soil pH in the acidic range, which usually varies from 5.5 to 6.5.

To be on the safe side, you can directly buy soil for acid-loving plants.

5. How often do I need to water it?

Proper watering is essential to maintain the health of your camellias.

Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid excessive watering as roots can rot in saturated soil.

Water deeply and regularly, especially during warmer periods, but always ensure excess water drains properly.

6. How and when do we fertilize it?

Timely fertilization is crucial for vigorous growth and abundant flowering.

Use a specific fertilizer for acid-loving plants and apply it during spring and before summer (when camellias enter a resting period). Follow the product instructions to avoid overfeeding the plants.

7. When and how do we prune the camellia?

The best time to prune the camellia is after it has finished flowering.

Trim damaged, broken, weak, or dry branches. Also, prune some interior branches when the foliage is too dense and doesn't allow good airflow.

Trim excessively long branches that prevent a balanced shape for the shrub.

To encourage growth, cut just above last year's bud.

8. What pests does the camellia usually suffer from?

Despite their beauty, camellias are not exempt from pest problems. Scale insects, mites, and aphids can be unwanted visitors on your plants.

Conduct regular inspections on the foliage, and if you notice signs of infestation, treat with specific or general insecticides, as appropriate.

Extra Tip 1: Why are my camellia's leaves turning yellow?

Probably due to a lack of acidity in the soil. In this case, add acid-loving plant soil.

You can also add iron chelate with watering.

However, be cautious with water that has excess lime, as it prevents proper iron absorption by the roots.

Another reason might be attacks from scale insects or red spider mites, which usually occur in dry and warm environments.

Extra Tip 2: Why are the buds falling before opening?

The camellia produces a large number of new flower buds, and not all of them will develop, so many won't open, and others will fall.

However, if the plant has experienced drought at some point, it can lead to a premature shedding of these new buds. Therefore, it's crucial to water as soon as the top of the soil is dry.

Another reason is excessive watering. It's essential to avoid waterlogging during irrigation.

Rapid drops in temperature are also factors that contribute to bud dropping.

Ready to provide your camellias with the care they need?

Cultivating camellias is an art that requires patience and care, but the rewards are more than gratifying.

We hope this guide has been helpful and will assist you in taking better care of these wonderful flowers.

If you have any questions, remember you can contact us through this form.

We'll be happy to help you keep your plants healthy and happy.