[How to plant a plant] Step by step guide to sowing your plants in the garden and in pots

Posted By: Manuel Gaviño In: Plant guides Comment: 0 Hit: 1356

How to plant your plants in the garden or in a pot

Anyone would say that there are few things as simple as planting a plant, right?

You open a hole in the ground (or fill a pot with soil), put the plant in and cover it.

And yet those of us who are gardening lovers know that things are not so easy.

Each plant has its own needs.

Some prefer to be sowed in spring and others near autumn (even in winter). Some can live anywhere and others will only survive if we have them indoors.

And of course, not everything consists of putting them in the ground.

We have to adapt the soil and make sure that the plant will have the right nutrients to take root and grow.

Hence we have decided to publish this post.

Here we have made a guide with everything you need to know to plant your plants, including:

  • Which species you can plant in the garden and which ones in pots.

  • How is the sowing process in both cases.

Put on your gloves, and let's get down to business.

How to plant a plant in the garden step by step

We start with the most complicated part.

Planting a new plant in the garden is always a more laborious process than doing it in a pot.

But the effort will pay off with a garden full of life and colour.

These are the steps you must follow.

What types of plants can be grown in the garden?

It is very important that you have this clear.

There are certain species that cannot be planted outdoors (what we call “indoor plants”).

Most are plants from tropical climates that do not support the winter temperatures in our area.

In addition, you must also take into account that certain species do not support direct exposure to the sun, although this will not be a problem if you place them in an area of ​​the garden where they receive filtered light (under a larger plant or covered by a mesh, for example ).

If you are already clear that the species you have chosen is suitable for the garden, let's go with the guide.

Step 1: Find the right time for planting

The transplanting process can be stressful for the plant.

Once in place, it will take time for roots to develop and settle.

That is why it is important that you find the right time to plant each plant. 

Normally, it is in spring, when temperatures are milder. But there are specific species that do best when we sow them near winter.

The same thing happens with seeds.

If we sow them at a time when the temperature is not suitable, it is most likely that we will not get the plant to survive.

Step 2: Decide how you are going to distribute your plants

This is the most difficult part of planting in the garden.

Because it is not enough to find an empty corner and put the new plant anywhere. You must make sure that the place you choose is the ideal one.

For that you have to take into account:

  • Light: as we said, certain plants cannot spend too much time exposed to the sun. If the species you have chosen is one of them, try to put it at the foot of a tree or a hedge, for example. And the same happens the other way around. If it is a plant that demands a lot of light, be sure to put it in a sunny area of ​​the garden.

  • Water needs: it is best to sow the plants that require a similar amount of watering together. This way you will not only make better use of the water (and optimize the cost), but you will also prevent the plants from suffering from diseases due to lack or excess of water.

  • Space it will occupy: keep in mind that some species expand and take up a lot of space when they begin to develop.

Whenever possible, a good option is to create groups or flower beds. In addition to the fact that they are very beautiful, this also causes a microclimate to form inside them that reduces the need for irrigation.

Step 3: Prepare the soil

If there are weeds or stones in the area where you plan to put the plant, the first thing to do is clear the ground.

Once done, dig a deep hole, at least twice as deep as the plant's roots, and fill the bottom with compost. This will give the plant the necessary nutrients to root.

For convenience, you can buy a ready-made mix of substrate and compost.

Step 4: Insert the plant

Once you have made the hole, remove the plant from the packaging it comes in and place it in the hole.

Once inside, cover the roots with more substrate and flatten the ground with your foot.

What if instead of transplanting you use seeds?

In the event that you plan to use seeds, keep in mind that each species has specific requirements.

Some only need a few inches deep, while others will need to be deeper.

For the more delicate species, you can use a seedbed, where the seeds will be protected and will have all the nutrients that the plant will need to germinate.

Step 5: Mulch the soil to protect the roots

Once the plant (or seeds) is ready, apply a layer of mulch on the soil.

This layer (composed of materials such as sawdust or pine bark) serves to thermally insulate the soil. In this way, the roots will be protected from the cold.

Step 6: The last step: water generously

Finally, a good amount of watering will help the soil settle around the roots.

If you have used a plant with a root ball, watering will make the soil from the root ball mix with that of the garden soil.

How to plant a potted plant

The process of planting a potted plant is much simpler and consists of only three steps.

But first, we explain to you which are the species that you should have in a pot.

What species can be planted in pots?

Virtually any plant (except trees and some other large species) are suitable for potting.

But what are those species in which it is mandatory?

Just the opposite case than before: the indoor plants that survive better indoors.

It is also a good option for those who prefer specific light conditions (lots of direct light, filtered light ...) because that way you can move them wherever you need it.

And of course, in this group, we also include the plants that are usually had on terraces or balconies.

Step 1: Choose a suitable pot

In general, it does not matter if you prefer to use a terracotta pot or a plastic one. The most important thing is that it has good drainage (with holes in the base) so that the irrigation water comes out and does not puddle the roots.

If you've used the pot before, clean it well to prevent any pests or diseases from affecting the new plant. 

Step 2: Choose the substrate

As always, each plant has its own need for a substrate. But you can also use a universal substrate that includes the necessary nutrients for most plants.

Fill half the pot with it.

Step 3: Introduce the plant

Finally, take the plant and put it in the pot. Then cover the rest of the pot to the top with more substrate.

A good amount of watering will integrate the substrate with the roots of the plant.

Are you already clear on how to plant your plants?

These basic steps will serve you for whatever species you want to plant.

But remember that each plant has its own specific needs, and it is very important that you know them when putting them in a pot or in your garden so that they survive.

If you have questions, you can contact us and we will advise you.


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