Hongos del césped más comunes, cómo evitar que aparezcan y qué hacer para eliminarlos

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Author: Adrián Medina Alarcón

They are one of the most common diseases affecting lawns.

And one that, moreover, is not always easy to detect.

The fungi that attack natural lawns usually appear when temperatures are high and there is excess humidity.

The most common symptom is the appearance of yellow or brown spots on the lawn. Marks that, at first, can be confused with a lack or excess of watering, which makes it more difficult to detect the disease in time.

Therefore, the best thing you can do is to prevent them from appearing.

In this post we will see some of the most common causes that produce the appearance of fungus in the lawn, but also

  • The most common varieties of fungi.
  • How to eliminate them if they have settled in your garden

Here we go.

Why does lawn fungus occur? 4 aspects to take into account to avoid them

The best disease is the one that never occurs.

And to know how to prevent our lawn from being affected by these fungi, the first thing to do is to know why they occur.

These are the most common causes:

  • Excessive watering: if your lawn is wet or waterlogged frequently, it is easier for fungi to germinate. The best thing to do is to water deeply and at regular intervals (this will also help the lawn to develop deep roots and become more resistant to drought).
  • Lack of maintenance: excess mattress, overly compacted soil or lack of regular mowing are other risk factors.
  • Failure to collect mowing residues: these clippings not only favor soil compaction, but can also become a breeding ground for fungi when they rot.
  • Excess fertilizer: especially fertilizer with a high amount of nitrogen.
    If you avoid all these mistakes, fungi are much less likely to attack your garden.

But the risk always exists.

That is why we are going to look at some of the most common varieties of fungi.

The 6 most common fungal species that can attack your lawn and how to detect them.

Remember that when it comes to fungi, the sooner you detect them, the sooner you can act and prevent them from damaging your lawn.

So take good note of these symptoms.

1. Summer Fusarium (Magnaporthe poae)

A species that, as its name suggests, usually appears in summer, favored by high temperatures and humidity.

At first the lawn will give the impression of being withered, so it is easy to confuse the attack of this fungus with the lack of water.

However, we must be alert if we notice that the dry spots spread very quickly, because that will be a clear sign of the attack of this fungus.

It mainly affects Festuca Arundinacea, Poa and Ray Grass varieties.

2. Fusarium patch (Microdochium nivale)

This fungus of the fusarium family acts in two phases.

In the first phase, it attacks only the leaves, which turn yellowish. It spreads in round spots of between 5 and 40 centimeters, with an appearance similar to that of dry grass.

In advanced stages of the disease, the leaves turn from yellowish to a white to pinkish color (which is why the fungus that causes it, Microdhochium nivale, is also known as "pink mold").

If not stopped in time, the fungus eventually spreads to the roots and kills the plant.

It usually attacks in cold seasons, such as autumn or winter (even in early spring). Poa and Lolium varieties are among the most affected.

3. Antracnosis (Colletotrichum graminicola)

It occurs frequently in lawns that are kept wet for a long time, either by rainfall or by excessive irrigation. Excessive fertilization and compacted soil (which weakens the turf) can also favor its appearance.

It mainly attacks Poa, Lolium and Agrostis varieties.

This fungus is easier to detect because the leaves have a yellowish color with characteristic black spots.

The disease spreads across the lawn in the form of spots that can reach up to several meters in radius.

4. Mal de pie (Dreshslera Poae)

This fungus has a predilection for grasses.

It usually appears in early spring, although it can also occur during the summer or even in autumn.

It appears as red or brown spots with a whitish center. As with fusarium patch, this disease eventually spreads to the root and kills the plant.

The factors that most favor its appearance are very close leaf cuts and an excess of nitrogen in the fertilizer.

5. Roya (Puccinia graminis)

This fungus affects all grass species.

It usually appears between spring and summer, when temperatures rise.

It produces very characteristic yellow or orange spots. Among the most common reasons for its appearance is the lack of irrigation, but even the spores of the fungus can be carried on shoes and transferred to the lawn with the footprint.

It is a very common disease, but fortunately it is usually not very harmful to the lawn.

6. Mancha foliar (curvularia)

Curvularia arises when the lawn remains wet for a long time or when there is a high nitrogen concentration.

In addition, lack of light can also aggravate it.

As with other fungi, the main symptom is the appearance of yellowish spots that spread across the lawn.

It usually affects varieties such as Fescue, Bluegrass or Bermuda.

What can you do if you have fungus on your lawn?

As you have seen, in some cases it is difficult to distinguish if the problem of our lawn is due to a lack or excess of irrigation or if it is being affected by a pathogenic fungus.

However, it is important that in the event that you see brown or yellow spots, you keep an eye out to see if these spots spread faster than normal or if the lawn begins to wilt, in which case you may have one of these unwanted visitors in your garden.

The solution in all cases is to apply a fungicide that will eradicate the disease without harming the plant.

Some fungi require specific treatments, but many others can be treated with a systemic fungicide.

On the other hand, if you mow an area of lawn with fungus, remember to clean the mower blades thoroughly with a diluted fungicide to prevent the fungus spores from spreading to the rest of the lawn.

Need help with your lawn?

The lawn is one of the most sensitive plants in the garden, and one of the most complicated to care for given its size.

However, the effort is worth it when it comes to enjoying a beautiful lawn.

If you have doubts about whether the spots that appear in your garden are fungal or if you need advice on how to take care of your lawn, you can contact us.

We will be happy to guide you as much as possible.