Cómo cortar el césped correctamente: cuándo hacerlo + a qué altura segarlo + qué herramientas usar

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Categories: Mary´s Advice ,

Author: Adrián Medina Alarcón

There are few pleasures comparable to having a lawn at home.

To go out to the garden and find a green meadow, full of life. To lie down on it and sunbathe. Stepping on it with bare feet....

But if you are one of those lucky enough to have a garden with a lawn, you know that it needs regular maintenance. And an important part of that is mowing.

Specifically, it's very important to know how to mow your lawn and when to mow it.

That's why this post.

  • Here we are going to explain.How to mow your lawn.
  • How often to do it according to the time of the year.
  • The most suitable tools according to the size of your garden.
    Ready to go?

Let's get started.

How often to mow the lawn depending on the time of the year

Mowing patterns vary greatly from season to season.

Lawns, like any other plant, vary their activity with the weather, and it is important that we take these changes into account and adapt our maintenance to them.

We explain it to you.

1. Spring

Spring is a time of moderate activity for turfgrass.

During the first few weeks, depending on the weather in your area, it may still be waking up from winter dormancy and regaining activity.

This means that the rate of growth will not be very fast and mowing every two weeks or so will be sufficient (this may vary by species).

As the warmer weather approaches you will notice that growth accelerates.

2. Summer

During the warmer months the lawn is at its peak of activity.

At this time you can mow it up to once a week, in order to maintain a moderate height.

Be careful not to mow too low.

Keep in mind that the leaves are the place where the grass stores water, so too aggressive mowing will leave it exposed to drought and could cause parts of it to dry out.

In addition, the blades are also responsible for maintaining moisture at ground level and protecting the roots from the sun's intense rays.

3. Autumn

In autumn the lawn follows the reverse process than in spring.

As the cold weather approaches, it begins to stop its activity and prepares to go into winter dormancy. This means that the leaves will grow more and more slowly, until they stop completely.

In this case you can also mow it around twice a month, always attending to the specific needs of the variety you have planted in your garden.

4. Winter

Like many other plants, in winter the lawn goes into a state of dormancy. It is "asleep", so to speak, a mechanism that allows it to protect itself from the cold and frost.

During the colder months the blades do not grow, so there is no need to mow it.

Not only that, but mowing your lawn during the winter can be counterproductive. If frost occurs in your area or the blades are very wet when you mow them, you can cause damage to them and even encourage diseases and fungus to creep into the cuttings.

At what height to mow the lawn

Just as important as the frequency of mowing is knowing at what height to cut the grass.

Although each species has its own needs, on average the ideal is to let the blades grow between 5 and 10 centimeters. This way, the plant will still have enough surface area to store water and grow back healthy.

If you usually cut it at 5 centimeters, in summer it is advisable to increase the height a little (between 6 and 7 centimeters) so that the leaves protect the soil from the sun and prevent it from overheating.

On the other hand, it is important that you never follow more than a third of the leaf at once.

If, for example, you have had a neglected garden for several months and the grass has overgrown, do not mow it all at once to 5 centimeters. This would put undue stress on the plant and could damage the blades.

Instead, it is preferable to adjust the mower to cut a third of the blade (if it is 15 centimeters high, leave it at 10 centimeters) and, after a few days, mow again. This will give it time to recover between cuts.

Lawn mowing tools

Finally, let's take a look at the main mowing tools you can use.

The most suitable for you will vary depending on the size of the garden you plan to work in:

  • Small gardens: for these cases you have manual mowers. Basically, they consist of a roller with blades attached to a handlebar that is passed over the lawn and mows. It is the most economical option and more than enough for small plots of land. Of course, once you finish, remember to collect the mowing debris to prevent it from clumping and forming a mattress.
  • Medium-sized gardens: in these cases it is advisable to invest in a motor mower. These tools usually have a bag that collects the debris, which is a great time saver.
  • Very large gardens: if you need to mow a very large plot of land (like a soccer field or more), chances are that you are a professional gardener. In these cases you may want to invest in mowing tractors to speed up your time
    Whichever option you choose, it's important to keep the blades clean and disinfected. If bacteria or fungi are left behind, they could be transferred to the lawn when you mow and cause disease.

Need help caring for your lawn?

You've already seen that it's a lot of tasks.

So, if you see that this is too much for you and you need help, you can count on us.

In Viveros Gonzalez we are specialists in garden care and we take care of the maintenance of several green areas.

And we can do the same for you.

You only have to enter here and contact us.