All you should know about how to take care of your petunias,

Posted By: Manuel Gaviño In: Plant care Comment: 0 Hit: 3887

How to take care of petunias

Have you ever been dumbfounded looking at a balcony full of flowers? Surely some of them were petunias.

These flowers are one of the most appreciated ones by horticulturists. Coming from tropical climates, this plant is filled with flowers in spring and summer.

The care of a petunia is quite simple. The most important thing is to know when to water it and how to get it to produce a lot of flowers.

If you want to know more about the care your petunias need, we are telling you about it in this article.

How to take care of your petunia at any time of the year

Petunias are excellent flowers to grow in warm climates.

This plant withstand well the direct sunlight. In fact, the more light it receives, the denser it flowering will be.

It is a species that grows little, between 30 and 50 centimeters in height, with a very dense flowering. Therefore, petunia is often used to form flower beds and massifs.

Some varieties, such as surfinia, allow us to grow it as a hanging plant.

The petunias family is not very demanding with their care, but it needs a nutrient-rich and well drained soil. Otherwise, overwatering could cause the roots to rot.

How to take care of the petunia in spring

Spring is the peak moment of petunia. With the arrival of the first heats, the plant begins to display its colourful flowering.

Its bell-shaped flowers have a great variety of tones: from red to purple, blue or white.

In spring, the care we give our petunia will be destined to enhance its flowering.

Once the first flowers appear, we will prune all the stems and apply a fertilizer rich in phosphorus. Thus, when they sprout again, the flowers will be larger and more numerous.

Irrigation should be common at this time. When the heat squeezes, it will be necessary to water it at least once a day.

Remember not to wet the petals in order to prevent the leaves from developing diseases.

If you pretend to sow new petunias, the beginning of spring is the perfect moment for it.


How to take care of the petunia in summer

The guidelines you should follow to take care of your petunias during the summer closely resemble those of spring.

Petunia is grateful to receive direct light, so you won't have to worry about the sunlight.

Of course, so that it does not dry you must continue watering it daily.

Again, avoid wetting the flowers, and especially do not water in the central hours of the day to prevent the drops from burning the leaves.

During this time it is important to prune the dried flowers of your plant so that the rest continues to grow strongly.

Nevertheless if you live in an area with too warm summers, try to place it in a more fresh place so that the sun does not scorch them.


How to take care of the petunia in autumn

In warm climates, petunia will keep its flowers until well into autumn. For this to happen, we must have fertilized it properly during its flowering period.

The care of petunia in autumn does not vary much with respect to what we have already seen.

Of course, it is very important that you keep it protected from strong wind gusts and cold, which could damage its leaves.

Also, you shall cover it when it rains. If you have grown it in a pot, it is best that you put it indoors. Excess moisture is harmful to this plant.

How to take care of the petunia in winter

Petunias are annual plants, which means they are born and wither in the same year.

But does it mean that when winter comes, we have to say goodbye to them?

Not at all.

Although with the arrival of the cold the plant dies, keep in mind that it will release a lot of seeds.

Pick them up and save them for planting at the end of winter or at the beginning of next spring. Between February and March is the ideal time to do it.

If you live in a climate with warm winters, your petunia can last until spring. It will become weak during the cold months, but around March it will recover its leaves.

How to take care of the petunia in a pot

If you live in a cold climate, it is a good idea to grow your petunias in a pot.

In this way, you can protect them from wind and rain in the winter months.

If you want to know how to take care of your petunia in a pot and get it completely developed, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Look for a big pot: petunias need enough space to grow. In the store where you buy them they can advise you on the size of pot that you must use.

  • Make sure it has good drainage: this plant is not very demanding in terms of substrate conditions, but you should make sure it has good drainage. The flooding of the roots can cause the appearance of fungi.

  • Put it in the sun for several hours a day: at least four or five hours of direct exposure. Otherwise, the plant will not bloom completely.

Regarding fertilizer, follow the same guidelines we have given you before, no matter if you grow your petunia in a pot or in the garden.

Common pests and diseases in petunia

Aphids are one of the biggest enemies of petunia. If you are not careful, they could cause the plant to wilt and die.

The whitefly is another unwanted visitor that usually appears in our petunias.

The best way to protect it from them is to apply a systemic insecticide when the hottest months approach.

On the other hand, remember not overwatering nor wet the flowers in order to avoid the appearance of fungi.


Are you already clear about the care your petunia needs?

Petunias are one of the most characteristic flowers of summer.

Especially in warmer areas, such as southern Spain, it is traditional to see them covering the balconies and windows of all houses.

With these tips that we have given you, you should already be clear about all the care you should give your petunias so that they are filled with flowers.

If you still have any questions, please send us an email or leave us a comment.


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