Christmas cactus care guide

Posted By: Adrían Medina In: Plant guides Comment: 0 Hit: 7587

When they ask you about plants typical of the Christmas season, we all automatically think of the poinsettia or Easter flower, right?

But of course, it is not the only one.

During this time theSchlumbergera X Buckleyi, better known as “Christmas Cactus”.

A beautiful plant that, if you know how to take care of it, will give you large, pink flowers, perfect to accompany the Christmas decoration.

We are going to talk about that here.

In this post we will explain the main care of the Christmas cactus.


Well let's go there!

Christmas cactus: the basic care of this plant

The Christmas cactus belongs to the succulent family.

The most common variety is the one with pink flowers, but it is also possible to find it in red or fuchsia tones.

Let's see what care you need.

1. Temperature

The colorful flowering of this cactus already gives us a clue:It is a plant of tropical origin.

And that means that it is not very friendly to low temperatures.

Its ideal range is between 16º and 21º C more or less. That is why it is a plant that we must grow indoors during the winter season.

It can withstand very low temperatures (up to 3 degrees!), but keep in mind that in an environment that is too cold it will not flourish.

2. Light

This cactus loves light.

Place it near a window where it receives several hours of sun, so that it develops in all its fullness and gives you its wonderful flowers.

And if you notice that the stems lose color, be careful! That is a sign that he is asking you for more light.

If you grow it outdoors (especially during spring and summer)situation somewhere where it is in the shade, so that the direct sun does not burn its stems.

3. Irrigation

Don't let his name mislead you. The Christmas cactus is quite demanding on watering.

Specifically, its water needs vary depending on the time of year and the situation of the plant:

  • During the time when the stem segments are developing, it is important that the substrate is always moist (but be careful, without flooding).
  • After flowering is complete, allow 8-10 weeks without watering.
  • Then, once spring begins, return towater it between 2 and 3 times a week depending on the ambient temperature.

In addition, it is important that the water is without lime, because an excess of this nutrient could damage the plant.

4. Fertilizer

During the spring and summer, the ideal is to mix liquid substrate for cacti and succulents in the irrigation water.

Outside of this time, you can continue adding fertilizer to the substrate once a week. In this way, the plant will have the necessary nutrients to develop and flourish during the winter.

5. Pests

The Christmas cactus resists pests quite well.

However, one of its main enemies is the cochineal. If you see that this insect begins to appear on your cactus, apply a phytosanitary treatment as soon as possible to eliminate it.

6. Reproduction of the Christmas cactus

Finally, we are going to see how to reproduce the Christmas cactus.

This process can be done in two ways:

  • By cuttings.
  • Through seeds.

However, the first is the most widely used technique, so it is the one we will focus on.

To reproduce a Christmas cactus by cutting, you just have to take one of the stems and cut it. Let it air dry for a day or two to dry out and lose all moisture.

Once done, you can sow the stem in a pot with substrate, and it will begin to take root shortly.

This process is usually done during the spring.

Are you going to put these tips into practice to care for your Christmas cactus?

We hope this guide has been useful to you.

Remember that if you have any questions about the care of your plants, you can contact us.

We will gladly help you to have healthy and happy plants.


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