[Names of garden tools] List of the 9 essentials to take care of your garden

Posted By: Adrían Medina In: Mary´s Advice Comment: 0 Hit: 6929

Is it true that the best carpenter in the world could not build even a simple chair without his tools?

Well, the same thing happens to gardening enthusiasts.

When it comes to taking care of our plants, there are many tasks for which we need to have the right tools.

Tools like the ones we've included in this list.


Well, let's see them.

9 basic garden tools

There are many types of garden tools.

And we can divide them according to:

  • The task for which they are designed.
  • Whether they are manual or motorized.

But in making this list we have preferred to simplify and focus on the essentials. 

Those that have to be part of your equipment yes or yes, whether you have a terrace with flowerpots, a small garden or a huge field with grass.

Grab something to write down, let's get started.

1. Gloves

This is essential.

Gardening gloves are often uncomfortable for people who are not used to wearing them, because they are very thick and a bit stiff.

But they have to be that way.

The fabric of the gloves is designed to protect you from:

  • Punctures: let 's see who is capable of pruning a rosebush without gloves!
  • Cuts: with branches, thorns or even with the tools themselves.
  • Calluses and scratches: if you use tools with wooden handles and do not take precautions, you will end up getting calluses in the end.

They can even help you prevent infection. Imagine if you cut yourself and dirt or bacteria got into it!

That is why the minimum is to have well-made gloves, made of thick and protective fabric. 

Apart from that, you can also consider buying a lighter pair (typical kitchen gloves would do) for tasks such as pruning small and touch-sensitive plants, handling substrate, etc.

2. Hand shovel


  • You need to dig a hole in the garden soil to put in a root ball.
  • Transplant a plant.
  • Make a substrate mix.
  • Fill a pot with soil.

In all these cases you will need a small shovel.

The usual thing is to buy a wide one, which is better adapted to different tasks and also allows you to take more soil. But in certain cases it is necessary to also buy one with the narrowest blade.

>> Here you can buy your hand shovel.

3. Pruning Shears

Most plants appreciate (or even need) a good pruning from time to time.

In this way you help them grow healthier, because:

  • You remove dead stems and flowers (which steal energy from the plant).
  • You direct the growth of the plant and prevent branches from crossing and choking each other.

Keep an eye out.

When caring for your scissors, it is important that you always keep them sharp. If not, the wounds you make to the plantswill take longer to heal and will leave them open to infection.

In addition, it is essential that between one plant and another you clean the scissors with alcohol.

In this way, if the first plant has a disease, you will not transmit to the second.

>> Here you can buy your pruning shears.

4. Small hoe 

Having a hoe is not essential, but it can be a good complement to the shovel.

The hoe is used to remove the soil more easily, either to:

  • Make a hole.
  • Decompact it and oxygenate it (so that it absorbs water and nutrients better).
  • Level the land.
  • Bring amendments to the land.
  • Eliminate invasive plants (when the roots reach very deep, pulling them out by hand is more complicated). 

In the event that you have an orchard, it will also be very useful for making planting holes.

By the way, since we mentioned weeds…

>> Here you can buy your hoe.

5. Gouge

This tool may not sound familiar to you.

And it is that it has a very, very specific function: it is designed to help you eliminate weeds more easily.

The gouge goes deep into the soil and helps you free the roots for easier removal.

If you have a small garden, it can be a very interesting option (in the event that you have a significant invasion of weeds, the simplest thing will be to resort to a herbicide).

6. Rake

Very important to remove the dry leaves that fall during the fall.

Remember that if you leave them on the garden, they can end up getting caked by the rain and forming an organic layer that is perfect for the appearance of fungi.

That is why it is always good to have a rake at hand to remove them as soon as you see that they begin to accumulate.

In addition, it will also serve to remove the remains of pruning. 

7. Shower

This one doesn't even need an introduction.

A watering can is a perfect utensil to water the pots that we have on the terrace or inside the house.

A normal plastic one can work for you, although if you expect it to last for many years , it would be best to opt for a metal one (you can also use them as a decorative element). 

>> Here you can buy your shower.

8. Sprayer

A sprayer can be used for two main things:

  • Apply a phytosanitary treatment on your plants (one that is applied in liquid format, logically).
  • Moisten those species that need high environmental humidity. For example, those that come from tropical climates. 

There are many sizes, but in most cases a small sprayer is more than enough.

>> Here you can buy your sprayer.

9. Hose

Essential if you have a large garden or even several plants that require a large amount of water.

There are many models of hose, but the one that suits you best will depend on your specific needs.

For example, if you have little space in the garden, you can choose to buy a hose with a spiral or extendable tube. Or you can also buy a bracket to anchor it to the wall, near the water intake.

The important thing is that you choose one made with quality materials, so that it will last for many years.

>> Here you can buy your hose.

Do you already know what tools you need to buy?

We hope that the tips we have given you in this post have been useful to you.

Remember that if you have any questions, all you have to do is contact us.

We will be happy to help you have healthier and happier plants.


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