How to take care of your plants in summer: five gardening tips
Summer is the best time to enjoy our garden and all the effort we have invested in it during the year. But it is also a very hot season, in which our plants suffer as much as we do.
Garden and summer.
Few combinations are more wonderful.
In the late afternoon, there is nothing more pleasant than taking a couple of chairs out to the garden and sitting down to enjoy the colours and aromas that your plants display during the summer season.
But beware, not because you are on vacation you can relax too much.
Because like us, plants can also suffer a lot from excess light and heat.
If you want your garden to stay in perfect condition all season, you have to give it some specific care.
Do you want to know which ones?
Then keep reading, because we are explaining them to you.
The 6 basic maintenance tasks to take care of the garden in summer (+1 extra tip)
Every garden is unique and requires its own care.
It is not the same as a Mediterranean or dry land, a garden with grass or rockery ... But there are certain maintenance tasks that, broadly speaking, can be applied to all of them.
Let's see them
1. Water enough (but not in the hottest hours)
You have heard this advice a thousand times.
But did you know that saving water is not the only reason why you should water in the morning or at night?
Besides that, if you water in the hottest hours you could damage your plants.
The reason is that the irrigation droplets act like tiny magnifying glasses that concentrate the sun's rays and end up burning the leaves (a phenomenon we talked about in a previous post).
If watering at this time is difficult or impossible (because you are away on vacation, for example), it is best to install an automatic irrigation system.
2. Remove faded flowers (to enjoy the rest)
One of the things we love most about summer is having a colourful, flower-filled garden.
But of course, as new flowers are born, the old ones wither.
And those wilted flowers rob the plant of energy. Not only that, but they also “take up space” and don't let new buds germinate.
That is why it is important that you prune them to extend the flowering period as much as possible and have very showy plants all summer.
A fundamental aspect comes into play here: compost.
3. A little compost is always appreciated
You already know that a plant uses a lot of energy to develop its flowers.
And one of the reasons some don't flower is because they lack nutrients; that is, we have not paid them sufficiently or adequately.
During the summer it is important that you fertilize them regularly, always depending on the specific needs of each plant.
Also, remember that there are specific fertilizers for flowering plants, which are rich in phosphorus and potassium (the nutrients most plants need to flourish).
When it comes to lawns, late summer can be a good time to topdress and fertilize, in order to prepare it for winter.
4. Prune your plants
Pruning is a fundamental task in summer so that our plants remain healthy. Between the middle of July and the beginning of September, it is good to carry out pruning to eliminate the stems and dead leaves that interfere with the development of the plant.
Climbers have a tendency to grow out of control. With good pruning, we will order the foliage and allow the light to reach all the leaves evenly. Also, summer will be the time to restore shape to bushes that have grown too long during winter and spring.
The summer season is also the ideal time to clean our palm trees, so common in Mediterranean climates. But given how difficult it can be to access the highest ones, this work is usually left in the hands of expert gardeners, who have the corresponding safety equipment (if you need it, at Viveros González we have a palm tree cleaning service).
5. If you have grass, let it grow
“Ugh, in this heat I don't feel like thinking about grass. I'd better mow it flush and that way I can forget about it for a few weeks”.
This idea can be tempting, we know that.
But it is a mistake.
Grass leaves act as a kind of protective layer: they prevent the sun from overheating the soil and keep the roots cool.
Not only that, but a tall lawn holds moisture better and can hold up a little longer without watering. Although it is a little heavier for you, it is preferable to mow higher and do it regularly.
6. Be very careful with unwanted visitors (fungi and pests)
Insects and fungi also love the warmth.
And if you are not careful, you could find that your plants have been invaded by aphids, mealybugs, spider mites or some fungus such as snakes.
As you already know, this is quite dangerous, because in the worst case they could cause the death of the plant.
That is why it is important that:
Avoid overwatering: an excess of watering can cause the roots to rot and favor the appearance of fungi. In addition, if you water less frequently, you will make your plants more resistant to drought (always according to the characteristics of each species) and require less water.
Apply the corresponding phytosanitary products: if you see that your plant shows signs of disease or you detect a pest, be sure to apply an insecticide or fungicide as soon as possible to eliminate it.
Checking your plants from time to time and being vigilant can save you more than one upset.
7. Check automatic watering
Now that our automatic watering is going to be running more often, it is important that we check it to make sure it is working well. Check that the controller activates when it should, that the nozzles are unobstructed, and that there are no puddles or water leaks.
Extra: Choose well the plants you plant in the garden
We can understand this in two ways.
On the one hand, of course, summer is not the same everywhere. And that influences the selection of species that you plant in your garden.
Thus, for example, the usual Mediterranean gardens have plants like gitanilla,the sunpatines or Daisy, which are lovers of the sun. Even low maintenance gardens are becoming popular (rockery, succulent and succulent gardens, etc.).
On the other hand, species more accustomed to temperate climates would have problems surviving outdoors during this time.
On the other hand, there are certain species that not only withstand the heat well but are also perfect companions for summer nights.
As an example, you have the orange blossom or the lady of the night.
If you have these plants in your garden, their aroma in the evening will be a real delight.
If you are not sure which ones to choose, here are some ideas.
Take care of your garden this summer ... but also enjoy it
Because with so much work, we forget the important thing: that in the end, the main reason we take care of our plants is that they make us happy.
It does not matter if you like to decorate your garden with lights, if you are someone who loves to barbecue or if you simply like to sit on the terrace to enjoy the night breeze. Any option is good to enjoy the gift that our plants are.
And if you have questions about how to take care of it, or need someone to advise you to decorate it and give it a special touch, you have us.
You just have to contact us by clicking here and tell us what you need.
Taking care of your garden is our speciality.
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