Crassula ovata guide: essential care of the Jade Tree that you should know

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Author: Adrián Medina Alarcón

One of the most popular succulents.

The Crassula ovata (also called Jade Tree or even Money Tree) is one of the most appreciated succulents.

The curious appearance of its leaves make it a perfect plant for ornamental purposes.

In addition, it is a very grateful species. It is enough to offer you some very simple care so that it will be with us for many, many years.

But what exactly are the care that Crassula ovata needs?

That is what we are going to tell you in this article.

Let's start!

Caring for the Crassula ovata or Jade Tree

Its name says it all: the Jade Tree is a real treasure.

The nickname comes from the intense green color that the leaves adopt when the plant reaches maturity, very similar to that of jade.

Despite coming from southern Africa, this succulent has a special place in the Asian philosophy of feng shui, which considers it a plant capable of attracting fortune.

In fact, that is the reason why the Crassula ovata is also known as the Money Tree.

But we are interested for very different reasons.

Crassula ovata is a beautiful plant. Its rounded and thick leaves give it a very particular appearance and have made it one of the favorites of decorators.

It grows up to 2 meters tall, but can spend its entire life in a pot.

From the age of 2, the Jade Tree gives us beautiful clusters made up of small white or pinkish flowers, which are born in spring but, in the right conditions, can last almost all year.

In addition, it is a very rustic plant, capable of withstanding very harsh conditions of drought and temperature.

But like all plants, if you want it to grow to its fullest, you have to know how to take care of it.

We explain it to you.

1. Lighting

Crassula ovata is a true sun lover.

To flower, this plant needs to spend many hours a day in direct sun. This is why it is not suitable for growing indoors (unless you have it in a very, very bright room).

Of course, be careful not to expose it too much in summer.

The sun this season can cause their leaves to burn, so try to reduce exposure at this time.


2. Temperatures

This is where this succulent shows its full strength.

And it is that, although it is a plant that comes from the warm areas of southern Africa, it is capable of withstanding very low temperatures.

In the garden it can withstand frosts down to -2º C without flinching.

Now, to withstand the cold, your substrate must be completely dry. Otherwise, moisture can seriously damage the stem and roots.

And this also affects the frequency of irrigation.


3. Irrigation

This succulent is adapted to withstand long periods of drought.

Its fleshy leaves can store a lot of water, so watering is not one of its priorities.

In fact, you're much more likely to end up suffering from too much moisture than too little.

In summer you can water it moderately, always letting the substrate dry completely between shots. But in winter it is preferable that you completely suspend irrigation.

In spring and autumn, it will be enough for you to water your Crassula ovata every 15 days more or less, always depending on the temperatures.


4. Fertilizer

As was the case with irrigation, this plant does not need many nutrients for its development.

It will be enough for you to give it a supply of nutrients once a month at most.

5. Substrate

The substrate must always be aerated and offer good drainage. 

Avoid clay soils and opt better for substrates made up of sand and organic compounds such as humus.

If you also add some pebbles so that the water drains, all the better.


6. Pruning

This plant is not particularly demanding when it comes to pruning.

Once it has grown (pruning young specimens is dangerous) we can cut some of its branches to direct its growth.

In addition, you can also use the branches as cuttings to develop new Jade Tree specimens.

7. Pests and diseases

The greatest enemy of this plant is humidity.

An excess of watering, especially if you combine it with cold temperatures, will cause its roots to rot and encourage the appearance of fungi.

Regarding pests, the leaves of the Crassula ovata are one of the meals of mealybugs. Although an invasion of these insects does not usually endanger the life of the plant, it is advisable to eliminate them as soon as possible by applying a suitable phytosanitary product.

It is also susceptible to being attacked by aphids.


8. Multiplication

The easiest way to grow a new specimen of Crassula ovata is through stem cuttings.

All you have to do is cut a branch (remember to apply healing agent on the plant to prevent the wound from getting infected), let it dry and plant it in a pot.

In just two weeks the first roots will begin to emerge

You can also grow your own Jade Tree from scratch by buying seeds and planting them (they take 15-30 days to germinate).


Do you already know how to take care of your Crassula ovata?

The Jade Tree or Money Tree is a very beautiful plant that will give an elegant and distinguished touch to any garden.

And the best thing is that, as you have seen, taking care of it is very simple.

If you want to include this plant in your garden, you can buy a copy in our catalog.

We send it to your home with a shockproof packaging, so that it arrives safe and sound.

And if you have questions about how to care for your Crassula ovata or any other plant, you can contact us.

We will be happy to help you keep your plants healthy and happy.