Deciduous Tree Guide: Turn Your Garden Into An Autumn Painting

Posted By: Manuel Gaviño In: Mary´s Advice Comment: 0 Hit: 7128

Deciduous trees are much appreciated as ornamental trees. Do you want to know more about this kind of trees and which are the most suitable to decorate your garden? Keep reading this article.

If we say the word “autumn” to you, what image comes to mind?

Almost certainly, you will see a path carpeted with dry leaves, which creak as you go, and on both sides of the path a lot of trees with yellow and ocher leaves.

And it is that (especially for those of us who love plants and nature), the image of autumn is deciduous trees. And that is why also in our nursery we often use them when they ask us to design a garden.

But, are you clear ?

  • : What are the advantages of having deciduous trees in your garden?
  • What care do these plants need throughout the year?
  • And most importantly: which are the deciduous trees with the most beautiful foliage?

Do not worry if you have doubts, because we are going to tell you all this here.

Let's go there.

What are deciduous trees and why plant them in your garden?

You already know this, right?

Deciduous (or deciduous) trees are those that lose their leaves between fall and winter, when the cold arrives.

And why do they do it?

Very simple: to save energy.

At this time, in addition to being very cold, the sun shines less hours and with less intensity. 

That is why these trees decide to shed their foliage and go into a state of torpor (a kind of hibernation) until the heat returns.

And you may not have thought about it, but that has many advantages. 

Benefits of having deciduous trees in the garden

The main reason is obvious: their colors.

In an autumn garden, deciduous trees take center stage. Its foliage begins to dress in those golden, ocher or red colors (even purple!) That we are used to seeing.

And if you know how to combine them, you can create an authentic painting.

But it is that even beyond their appearance, there are other reasons why having deciduous species in your garden:

  • They are very long-lived: the state of hibernation these trees enter during cold seasons slows down their aging. And that means they can be with you for many, many years.
  • They adapt to different climates: while other plants can have a hard time with cold and frost if we leave them outside, deciduous trees are able to survive in very low temperatures (always depending on each specific species).
  • Its leaves are a natural fertilizer: yes, remember to rake them regularly. If you leave them on the ground (and especially if it rains a lot in your area) they will become a breeding ground for fungi. Collect them and compost them to have a natural fertilizer for your plants.

Have you already wanted to plant some of these trees in your garden? 

Deciduous tree care

Later in this article we will talk about some of the best deciduous trees that you can grow in your garden.

But first let's see some recommendations that you should take into account to take care of them.

Yes indeed.

Remember that these are just general tips. It is important that you inform yourself about the specific needs of each species, because they can vary.

But these that we are going to see here are tips applicable to the vast majority of deciduous trees.

1. Cares during the autumn

Fall is the perfect time to plant a deciduous tree in your garden, or to transplant it from a pot into the ground.

And the sooner, the better.

The reason is that, when winter arrives, most of the species will already have shed all their leaves and will have entered their lethargic process, so they will be “asleep”.

If we plant them while they are still active, they will have plenty of time to root and prepare for the cold.

In addition, during this time it is also a good idea to fertilize them, so that they are healthy and strong when the cold season arrives.

2. Cares during the winter

In winter, when the branches of these trees are completely bare, it is the best time to prune them.

Remove the branches that you see weaker and those that may interfere with the growth of others. In addition, it can also be a good time to do formation pruning in hedges and ornamental species.

Remember to apply healing paste to protect the cuts from becoming infected.

3. Cares during spring and summer

Between late winter and early spring, deciduous trees will appreciate a generous amount of compost.

In this way they will have enough energy to restore all their foliage (a process that requires a lot of effort).

You can use a slow-release compost that provides nutrients gradually.

Apart from that, during the hottest seasons all you have to do is water them enough (again, the amount of water will vary depending on the tree) and enjoy their presence in your garden. 

The 11 best deciduous trees to create a fall garden

 Finally, we are going to look at some of the most popular species.

When selecting them we have taken into account the color of their foliage, so that you can give variety to your garden.

Let's see them.

1. Red plum (Prunus pisardii)

The name of this species of plum comes from the burgundy color of its leaves, which it maintains throughout spring and summer. 

In autumn, the leaves turn purple dark (like wine) before falling. 

This makes the cherry tree a deciduous tree with great ornamental value at any time of the year.

The plum tree is perfect for small gardens, since it does not usually exceed 6 meters in height. In addition, as it supports environmental pollution, it will develop without problems even if you live in the middle of the city.

It is a very undemanding tree with its care. Withstands cold, drought and direct sun.

2. Maple negundo (Acer negundo)

This variety of maple is widely used due to the discolouration of its leaves, which during the autumn take on an intense red colour. It withstands heat, cold and drought, and can grow in both sun and semi-shade.

Black maple requires light pruning. A cut that is too aggressive will favour the appearance of fungi or pests.


3. Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)

This species can grow up to 35 meters. It is an ideal tree for gardens where we want to have large and showy specimens.

In autumn, Sweetgum foliage turns red, yellow or orange before losing its leaves.

It needs direct sun and frequent watering to grow.


4. Cinnamon (Melia azedarach)

Cinnamon is another of these species suitable for modest gardens. Although it can grow up to 15 meters, it is normal for it to stay between 6 and 8. In autumn, its leaves take on intense golden colour.

It is sensitive to frost, so we will plant it in areas with mild winters.


5. Pomegranate

 A tree fruit that will brighten up your garden. 

In addition to the beautiful colour of its foliage, which turns golden as the season progresses, during autumn the pomegranate will give us its delicious fruits.


6. Ginkgo biloba

This sacred oriental tree stands out for the unmistakable shape of its leaves, similar to fans, which in autumn will turn golden. 

We recommend planting it alongside other red-leaved deciduous trees such as plum or maple to create a greater contrast of colours in your garden.


7. Tree of love (Cercis siliquastrum)

The nickname of this species comes from its heart-shaped leaves. 

The appeal of this deciduous tree is twofold: 

On the one hand, the ornamental character of its leaves, which turn yellow during the fall. 

But also, between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it will delight us with some precocious flowers (those that are born before the leaves) that will cover the tree in pink or white.

It usually grows between six and twelve meters.

8. Purple Urape (Bahuhinia purpúrea )

Because of its size, this tree could be considered rather a deciduous shrub. It usually stays between three and five meters in height, although it can reach nine.

During the fall, the urape unfolds the beautiful purple bloom that gives it its name, and which lasts until spring. The flowers can also be pink or even white.


9. Persimmon (Dyospyros kaki)

Like the pomegranate, persimmon gives us its fruits of the same name in autumn. But also, at this time, its leaves take on a soft reddish tone.

To develop fully, it needs to receive many hours of light.


10. Flamboyan (Delonix regia)

Also known as “Tree of the flame” for its spectacular red bloom. It is widely used in gardening for its ornamental character.

Being a tree of tropical origin, it is very sensitive to cold. Although in its place of origin it is an evergreen species, it loses its leaves below 5 degrees.

It blooms between late winter and early spring in mild climates.


11. Coral Tree (Erythrina crista-galli)

The Coral Tree is known for its striking red ridge-shaped flowers. Flowering occurs during the summer and lasts until winter begins.

This tree grows between six and ten meters, making it perfect for gardens with limited space.

What is your favourite deciduous tree?

We hope this guide has been useful for you to choose (and care for) the species with which to paint your garden next fall.

Remember that if you have any questions about:

  • The best species for your garden.
  • The specific care they need.
  • The phytosanitary products that you must apply in each season.

You can contact us.

At Viveros González, we are not only specialists in plant care, but we also offer garden design services. That means we can help you make that garden you dream of a reality.

If you want to ask us any questions, you can enter here and contact us.

Ready to enjoy your plants in the fall (and at any time of the year)?


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